Self-employed tax returns
If you’re a sole trader, direct contractor, Landlord renting a private property or PAYE & earn in excess of £100k pa, you’re legally obliged to complete a Self-Assessment tax return.
We know exactly what expenses are deductable and the most efficient ways to deduct them, so you can be sure that you’ll get the lowest tax bill possible.
We’ll also advise you on how to manage your finances and any payments on account with HMRC as part of the service. From registration to completion, the process can take as little as 2 weeks, which can be more than halved in subsequent years.
What to expect

How easy will it be to complete a Self-employed tax return?
We make the entire process completely hassle free, managing all paperwork, calculations and communication with HMRC.

How long does a UK tax return take?
From registration to completion, the process can take just 2 weeks for people with a UTR number and as little as 6 weeks for those without. These times will be more than halved in subsequent years once registered as our client.

What are your fees?
Our fee is £199.99 for each tax year we complete. We’ll do everything in our power to get you the best tax reduction possible. All fees are subject to VAT.

Why choose Bettertax?
We offer an outstanding low risk, high return Self-Assessment service for Self-Employed Sole Traders. We also have vast experience in getting people who have fallen behind and are in debt to HMRC back on track.
Self-employed tax returns what’s included?
- Preparation and submission of your Self-employed tax return.
- Full HMRC account management
- Post care – Managing codes, deadlines and any other issues with HMRC
- Management of Landlord’s rented property tax liability.
- 12 months of free tax advice
- Compliance (investigations) and figures checks (if any)
- Generation of SA302 and other documents for mortgage & loan applications, employment references, CSA
Outstanding tax returns?
If you’ve fallen behind and have outstanding tax returns to be completed with penalties or debts at HMRC – don’t worry, just give us a call on 01280 821020 and we’ll let you know how we can help.