HMRC Phishing Scam Warning Again
Woohoo! Lucky me… recently did my tax return – everything confirmed as expected, when what to my wondering eyes should appear in my email box but this:
Tax Refund Notification! A tax refund of 418.33 GBP – Still Pending. 634c0942a5593a81
Due to invalid account record, we were unable to credit your account. Please submit a verified tax refund request.634c0942a5593a81
A refund can be delayed for a variety of reasons. For example submitting invalid records or applying after the deadline. 634c0942a5593a81
Click the “Refund Me Now” link below and follow the on screen step in order to have process your request. 634c0942a5593a81
NOTE: For security reasons, we will record your IP Address, the date and time. Deliberate wrong inputs are criminally pursued. 634c0942a5593a81
// for spamming reasons)” target=”_blank”>Refund Me Now 634c0942a5593a81
HM Revenue & Customs 634c0942a5593a81
OK… we issue these scam warnings fairly regularly. Any time HMRC contact you via email or text to say you have a refund waiting, be aware that it is a scam. HMRC will NEVER contact you to tell you this! Another tell take sign that things are not perhaps as they should be, is the text in red was actually in white, and so hidden – why would they do that?
Don’t get caught! If you have any concerns, contact us for some advice!